Saturday, 8 September 2012

I'm done hoping for a date now.

Went to see my orthodontist last week. He basically told me that it will be another while before the surgery. His reason was that the more time they take to prepare (might I remind everyone that I have had braces on now for FIVE YEARS), the less time I will be in braces post-op....
Seriously?? SERIOUSLY?!
Uhh...I'm finding it so difficult to remain positive anymore. I was originally told that I will be having this operation two years ago. I am yet to find anyone online in my position.
Anyway rant over.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Hmm...Berlin, a good idea?

Well I've just booked my flights to Berlin on the 14th till the 19th of September with my friends. Went to see my surgeon 2 weeks ago and all I got was yet another "come back in 3 weeks", so as a little f**k you, I've booked my holidays. Probably not the best of ideas if I am to have this surgery *fingers crossed* towards the end of September. As I plan on thoroughly enjoying myself, my immune system will most likely take quite a beating. Meh, I'll just O.D on some vitamin C.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Hello there :) I've decided to start this blog to document my process through jaw surgery to correct my underbite and open bite.

My name is Sarah and I live in Ireland. I'm 20 and I've been waiting to get this bloody operation for 5 years now. I'm finally due to have it this September (fingers crossed). I have an appointment to finalise things with my surgeon on the 16th of August.

Sooo let's get started then. I'll post some (rather terrible) pictures of my bite and profile. Please excuse my kitchen wall, we're re-tiling :P

Once I have my appointment with my surgeon in a few weeks I will update on the next step. My birthday is at the end of October so I'm going to beg him to give me a date close to the beginning of September!

Now please excuse me while I return to playing Call of Duty on my new PS3. 
Yes. I am a nerd.