Sunday, 8 September 2013

4 Months Before and Afters

4 Months Post-Op

So here I am at this incredible milestone. 4 months and it feels like no time at all. This summer has been absolutely fantastic. I had the mindset that because of the operation I wouldnt be able to do anything, but I have done more than I ever thought I would.
I am now down to 3 elastics. Two either side of my mouth to hold my bite in place (can still eat and talk normally), and one in the back of my mouth in a triangular shape to fix a slight crossbite.

I won 2 pairs of tickets to TWO music festivals!
This is me at the first one which was just 5 weeks post-operation. I didnt tell my surgeon I was going for obvious reasons, I think he would have had heart failure!

But I felt back to normal strong enough to go and enjoy myself and I had a great time. I obviously didnt drink alcohol that soon after the operation.

Now I'm not saying "oh go to a music festival as soon as possible after your operation!". I only went because I felt ready to. My parents obviously were worried about me but I was fine. It was my first time at a music festival when I could just concentrate on having fun and not constantly obsessing about who would be looking or noticing my underbite. It was BLISS. Honestly it's just like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally enjoy life the way I was supposed to.

I went to a Sting concert with Mum 6 weeks post-op. It's funny because when she was booking the tickets a few weeks before my operation we were worried that I wouldnt be well enough to go.

 I was able to enjoy countless hikes with my cousins as soon as 5 weeks post-op.
I really recommend hiking as a recovery tool. It really helps with the swelling and over-all healing. Plus its super fun!
And again, the simplicity of just being able to tie my hair up comfortably for a hike is indescribable. Nobody who never had an underbite could ever understand how vulnerable you feel having your hair back from your face with an underbite. For years I used my hair to try to hide it, and now I can just throw it up without a care in the world :)

My next appointment with my surgeon is on the 19th of September so I will update with anymore news then. In terms of eating I'm eating everything, except for steak. I've noticed my jaw has become a little "clicky" lately so I'll be asking my surgeon about that next time, but other than that everything is going smoothly. :)