Saturday 8 June 2013

1 month post op! My First Time "Socializing" :)

So sorry about the delay in posting lately. We have a heatwave over here which for Ireland is like having all your Christmases come at once, so I haven't been online!

So much has happened since my last post.

I decided to go to my cousin's 1950's themed 21st on Saturday and I'm so happy that I did. I was a little nervous about people's reactions plus the fact that I'm still quite swollen but I felt it would be good for me to get out there and start living! That's me in the red.
People were really nice about it and said I looked great! I obviously couldnt eat any of the party food but I threw some of the cake into my blender along with some ice cream and it was delish :)

That was a very important milestone for me and I think it's so important to just get out there as soon as possible and let people see the "new you".

Today is June 8th so it's been a month and 4 days since my surgery and I've never felt better. I'm now eating soft foods. No more mush! There are no words to describe my happiness!
I take out my elastics when I eat now which is much easier. Time is going so quickly! If I'm being honest I can manage most foods, I cant quite chew but I can move my teeth up and down.

I had an appointment with my surgeon this week and he said I looked great. I also went to my orthodontist who couldnt get over my recovery. He said in two weeks time he will remove my surgical wires and begin work on my teeth, yay!
I'm still swollen but nothing compared with what I was like! I can go out in public without feeling as self-conscious about the swelling now.

As far as numbness goes I'm only numb on the left side of my chin and bottom lip and the right side of the roof of my mouth, so strange! Everywhere else is completely back to normal thankfully!


  1. You look absolutely wonderful! We're about the same in the recovery timeline. I'm also a month out from surgery. How is your energy level? I'm so glad your numbness seems quite minimal this soon out! :)

  2. Hi Camilla! My energy levels have soared this past week! Last week I would get quite tired quite easily but I've noticed a considerable difference this week.
    I really never expected the feeling to come back to my face so soon! How are you getting on with your recovery? :)

  3. Recovery was pretty fast and now I've noticed a month out things have slowed down. My teeth are waking up! I can't decide if they're in pain or angry at me :)
